Monthly Wrap-Ups

February 2020 Wrap-Up

Hello friends! Happy Monday, and welcome to a new month! Before we can fully embrace all that March has to bring, it’s time to send off February in style, let’s get into my wrap up!

If you missed January’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
The Stand

According to Goodreads I’m 15% of the way through The Stand. Am I enjoying it? For the most part yes, it just feels like there’s SO much build up and set up that I’m like when is the action going to happen? I know part of the reason is that I’m reading it 2 chapters a week (which is a snails pace) and some weeks (like this past weekend) have really short chapters that make it hard to really dive deep into the story, but I’m going to keep soldiering on.


I’ve moved on to book number two, Pretties, in the Uglies series. I’ve mentioned this in my WWW posts recently that I’m just not connecting with this novel as much as I did the first. I don’t know, the vibe is different and I don’t know if it’s because the main character went through a change because it just feels so different. I’m hoping it does get better because I want to love this just as much as the first book!

The Speaker

Technically, I started The Speaker yesterday (March 1) but I’m adding it here. I loved book one a lot and I’m hoping to love this one just as much. Look at the cover too, isn’t it just SO pretty? Purple is my favourite colour so I’m in love!

What I read this month:

I read a total of 9 books this month! Wow, I’m blown away! I did read a few shorter novels, but I’m still impressed. I also highlighted that I read 2 Canadian works which is a goal of mine this year!
My Instagram game has been lacking… I have a lot of inspiration of photos, just no energy… March is a new month.

Holding Up the Universe by: Jennifer Niven
Endless Water, Starless Sky (Bright Smoke, Cold Fire #2) by: Rosamund Hodge
Hag-Seed by: Margaret Atwood 🇨🇦
Come Tumbling Down (Wayward Children #5) by: Seanan McGuire
The Reader (Sea of Ink and Gold #1) by: Traci Chee
The Memory of Things by: Gae Polisner
You Are Awesome by: Neil Pasricha 🇨🇦
Uglies (Uglies #1) by: Scott Westerfeld
The King of Crows (The Diviners #4) by: Libba Bray

Book Reviews this month:

Nevernight (Nevernight Chronicle #1) by: Jay Kristoff
As I Descended by: Robin Talley
Godsgrave (Nevernight Chronicle #2) by: Jay Kristoff
Two by Two by: Nicholas Sparks

Currently Watching:
Season 3

I’m still watching The Good Doctor, but like I mentioned last month, the show isn’t my cup of tea anymore. There is too much drama surrounding Shawn and his personal life. Looking ahead it looks like there are only 2 more episodes of the season; I can handle that.

Season 4

This Is Us has been pretty good. It’s interesting to watch how they deal with toxic relationships, the loss of memory and watching someone struggle with mental illness. This show has been really good at juggling it all, and the last few episodes have not disappointed.

Season 4

Kim’s Convenience is just as funny and as poignant as ever. I could binge watch this all day. Watching the character dynamics is SO interesting… some of them are incredibly cringy, but the uncomfortableness of it all is what makes it so life-like and real.

Season 2

Station 19 has gone in quite a few directions that I wasn’t expecting! They’ve really pulled some fast ones, and this past episode was definitely a tear jerker. I’ve always liked this show, but I think it’s become one of the shows I really look forward to.

Season 16

Grey’s Anatomy as I mentioned last month, is a show I will always be trash for… even if it puts out trash. The season didn’t start out so great, but it has picked up, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t invested in where it’s going, but I think the show needs to end… soon.

Season 7

Brooklyn Nine Nine is back for a seventh season and I’m enjoying the plots so far. The season started off kinda rocky, but it got better after that, which I’m really grateful for and I can’t wait to see where the rest of the season is going to go. I love all the character dynamics, uhhh this show knows friendship like no other!

Season 4

Speaking of trash TV… Riverdale is the perfect example of that. Why am I still watching this? Because I can’t stop. I watched the first 7 epiosdes a while back, now I have a new 7 waiting in my queue to be watched, so that’s what I’ve been currently doing. Do I hate every moment? Almost. Am I going to watch anyways? Yes. 🙄

What I Watched this month:
Season 4

I finally watched the last two episodes of The Good Place and yes I cried. I was doing so well, there is just something about Chidi and Eleanor’s relationship that makes me weeeeep 😭. I loved this show, I loved where they went with the show, and as much as I could have used with another 4 seasons, I get that it had to end. I’m glad the show got to end on their own terms.

Marriage Story

Wooof, was Marriage Story heartbreaking. I knew going in that it was going to break my heart. If I’m being honest, I thought I was going to cry more, there were only two scenes in which I did cry. Every time Adam Driver’s character got blubbery I was like, oh no… Adam Driver is such a good actor, he was so good in this. Scarlett Johansson, well she doesn’t do anything for me so her acting was just meh, but this was still a great film depicting a marriage falling apart.

Ty Story 4

I finally watched Toy Story 4! I’ve wanted to see this since it came out last year, but it never happened. This movie was cute, it was funny, but I have to say I hated every minute of the whole Duke Caboom plots. I loved how independent they made Bo-Peep. This was a really nice send off to these characters we’ve loved for years; I thought the last movie was a great send-off, so I’m really hoping they don’t feel the need to make a Toy Story 5!

Season 11

Like I always say, I’m making my way through ER. This season had a lot of ups and downs, as usual, but I’m pretty sure one of the major characters has left the show and I’m mega sad about it, but you can’t expect them to be there forever. I also really liked the addition of one of the doctors, usually I hate the new characters but somehow this one was alright.

Groundhog Day

I know the premise around Groundhog Day, I’ve just never actually seen the movie. I was scrolling through movies on Netflix and I thought, well it is February (although I was exactly a week off) why not watch this. Man, if you could only live one day over and over again and the people in your life don’t remember it, only you… that’s rough. Wasn’t thrilled that it took the girl to break the spell… so cheesy, but I guess I can’t expect anything less from a 1980s movie.

You’ve Got Mail

This is another case of I know the premise of the movie, but I’ve never seen it. You’ve Got Mail was funny, it was cute and I enjoyed it. So many people rave about this movie so I was very excited when it appeared on Netflix. I wanted to say that I loved it, but I can only say that I liked it; like I said I thought it was cute and there were moments were I was laughing out loud, but the whole she becomes friends with him and he’s pretty much leading her on for the “big reveal” annoyed me. I honestly liked them as friends… but eh would I watch this again, sure, probably.

Season 1

I’ve heard a lot of good things about Modern Love and boy did this show not disappoint. You can read all of my thoughts in my wrap up of the show, but I will say this was relatable, some episodes were more heartbreaking than others, but they were all so well done.

Season 1

This is going to sound so sad, but yes I started watching Jack Ryan only for John Krasinski. I love this man’s acting, his facial acting is the best. I didn’t expect to be as invested in this show as I was. There were moments I was screaming at the TV ‘no, no, no’ then I was swearing, I got really into this show. I look forward to what season 2 has to bring!

TV Tuesday Posts:

The Good Place Season Four
Modern Love Season One

Posts from the Month

WWW Wednesday #5
WWW Wednesday #6
WWW Wednesday #7
WWW Wednesday #8

The New Year Book Tag
New Years Eve Book Tag
The Sunshine Blogger Award X
The Awesome Blogger Award II

First Impressions Friday: Hag-Seed by: Margaret Atwood
First Impressions Friday: Tweet Cute by: Emma Lord

My month started off kinda rocky. I had a lot to think about job-wise and just what my future plans are. I’m still not sure, and I keep putting it off as if it’s just going to go away, haha… wishful thinking. 😅

I got really into basketball this month. Like, I’ve never been into the sport… and there’s nothing wrong with it, but damn I’ve been watching the Raptors, especially when they were on that winning streak damn, 15 games!
Also, uhm look at this man… he is my man 😂

I finally got to see my oldest friend and, finally, give her her Christmas present… a month and a half later. But better late than never! I had a great afternoon catching up with her, watching movies and playing Smash Bros.

I don’t think I’ve expressed my love of shrimp here, but 2020 it’s seen new heights. Every time someone I know sees/eats/thinks of shrimp, they think of me… that’s how I got the new nick name Shrimpy (ha!). All of that to say, look at this beautiful shrimp dish I made (yeah I know the rice didn’t come out the best) but it still tasted SO good!

I also got to hang out with my fab 5 group of friends. We were celebrating my friend’s birthday so we went out for lovely Italian food and a night at the Rec Room, which was a lot of fun. It was so good to see them and catch up because it feels like it’s been so long since I’ve seen them!

I have to say though, I’m really proud of myself (I might make this a feature called “Things I’m Proud Of” [working title]) for how much I drove this past month… (I think I drove the equivalent to all of 2019 this past month, if not more) … and I didn’t hate it, in fact I actually love it, who am I? How this happened, I don’t know, but I’m for it.

I hope you all had a fantastic February (extra day and all!) 😀

5 thoughts on “February 2020 Wrap-Up

  1. i definitely feel you on the station 19 and greys anatomy front! mostly because just like you i’m such trash for greys but i just don’t like!! the storylines right now!! it’s just going into directions that i really truly do not appreciate one bit. on the other hand i’ve never been the biggest station 19 fan until recently because things have been shaken up lately and some very interesting dynamics have occured (lmao i’m trying not to spoil some random person accidentally looking at the comment section). so 11/10 agree with that sentiment

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! The storylines aren’t doing anything for me. They feel so bland and almost like public service announcements for every topic under the sun, which okay I get, but it becomes very textbook to watch.
      I definitely am liking Station 19 over Grey’s these days, there is just something about it that is more appealing.
      Thanks for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Thanks, I don’t even know how I did it! 😛
      Ehhh, you’ll hear some of them in tomorrow’s WWW post. I’m currently reading The Storyteller and liking it!
      Thank you, you as well! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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